Thursday, June 18, 2009

June Matchday

The June Matchday in the Mini BLNG Badminton League took place last week. A record number of sixteen players took part in this month’s match, with two new players joining for the first time and a number of players returned after taking some time off. Ady and Pg Jaludin joined the now-expanding group of monthly badminton group. With the now large number of teams playing, spread over a wide range of skills, it was decided that to continue last month’s format where the players were divided into two groups; one group A and the other group B. Each player in each group is paired with another from the other group.

The combinations for this month matchday were:
Team A Rosli T & Fauzy

Team B Jupry & Pg Jaludin

Team C Hj Mazrul & Saiful

Team D Kamal & Hj Halfiq

Team E Othman & Fakhrul

Team F Zulhaimin & Teo

Team G Suhaina & Matassim

Team H Yahya & Ady

Again, last month’s format was followed as there were a big number of pairings available and time and fitness might impair performances of all teams. The games were shortened, where each game would be played in one set to 31-points. Winners would get one point and losers would get none.

This month’s Champions were easily determined as Team A easily beat all the others teams, though they did not play Team E, as Othman turned up almost an hour late. This month, it was the second-placed position that became hotly contested. Team F and Team G scored the same number of points, but Team F had earlier beaten Team G and Team F had scored a highly point difference, compared to Team G, therefore Team F was declared the second-placed winner. Team E did not complete all their games and were not awarded ‘walk-over’ points over the other teams that had left early.

The result of May Matchday was:

First: Team A (Rosli T & Fauzy) – 6 points

Second: Team F (Zulhaimin & Teo)– 5 points

Third: Team G (Suhaina & Matassim) – 5 points

Forth: Team D (Kamal & Hj Halfiq) – 3 points

Joint Fifth: Team B (Jupry & Pg Jaludin) and Team C (Hj Mazrul & Saiful) – 2 points

Seventh: Team H (Yahya & Ady) – 0 points

The League standing after June Matchday is:

Hj Mazrul - 6 games - 14 points

Fauzy - 3 game - 7 points

Suhaina - 6 games - 6 points

Teo - 5 games - 6 points

Matassim - 6 games - 5 points

Rosli - 2 games - 5 points

Rosli T - 2 game - 5 points

Hj Halfiq - 6 games - 4 points

Yahya - 5 games - 4 points

Zulhaimin - 5 games - 4 points

Othman - 6 games - 3 points

Zulhairul - 3 games - 3 points

Jupry - 2 games - 3 points

Oliver - 1 game - 3 points

(Kamal, Saiful, Fakhrul, Ady, Pg Jaludin and Sau Jin all have not scored any points)

Next month's tournament is expected to be on the second Tuesday of the month, i.e. 14 July, unless otherwise notified. Watch out this space for more details.

Here are some pictures from June Matchday.

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